What are ABS Disposable Formworks?
Disposable Formworks are concrete shaping structures made of recycled plastic that is used only once. They are also called void formers, permanent formworks or single-use formworks. They create reinforced concrete raised floors up to 300 cm, thus providing a light, fast, easy and economical filling in any structure. Reinforced concrete raised floors are constructed faster and easier, are lighter weight and are more economical than conventional filling applications.
ABS Disposable Formworks can be used for any sort of lightweight filling application. Uses include sunken slab fillings, landscape fillings to create a hard surface, inverted beam fillings, fillings between foundation footings, carpark ramps, pool decks, elevator/staircase hallway fillings and crawlspace construction.
In addition, reinforced concrete raised floors created with disposable formworks can be used instead of modular raised floors by adding a grid of simple junction boxes to the system.
ABS Disposable Formworks are produced in two different types depending on whether the leg height is ABS Level fixed or ABS Plus adjustable.
Advantages of ABS Disposable Formworks

The lightest solution

Unmatched logistical advantage

High load bearing capacity

Reduced construction time

Void space creation

Fast and easy installation

Ramp construction

Continuous concrete surface

Heat and sound insulation

Radon gas and damp barrier

Separator wall construction

Environmental value
Reference projects
You may reach hundreds of disposable formwork reference projects and their details by clicking the link below. We are adding almost every week new ABS Disposable Formworks reference project to our reference page.Why should you choose ABS YAPI for disposable formworks?

Our references

Installation services

Inventory availability and fast delivery

On site supervision and control services

Engineering and project solutions

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Our experienced technical team in disposable formworks

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